Cabin Bed or Bunk Bed, Which Should I Choose?

Before we can answer this question we must give an open honest description and opinion about each type of bed. Although some people regard these beds as being similar they couldn’t be further apart.

A bunk bed’s primary function is to provide two beds including mattresses, one on top of the other, which is ideal for a space saving way of accommodating two people in a relatively small area. Hence the reason why bunk beds are often used for siblings  (often boys) sharing rooms together.

The frame of the bed can be made of almost anything these days, but more are commonly made of wood or aluminum and are normally in a 4 poster style with the top bunk accessible through a ladder either attached as part of the frame or separate on the outside.

The cabin bed differs from a bunk bed initially as it normally only has one bed, although you can get cabin beds with guest bed underneath. The bed is raised and varies in height depending on its functionality and could range from anywhere between 1 to 2 meters. The cabin bed like the bunk bed is space saving furniture as the area that has the capacity underneath the bed to be used as storage, whether it be cupboards and drawers or a computer or TV area.

In comparison, both types of beds have a similar functionality in terms of space saving which is becoming a more popular decision-making factor when it comes to buying any type of furniture. They both can provide a practical but fun aspect when it comes to children, which let's face it, are the most common users of both these types of beds.

So who wins which is the best choice?

I think it comes down to circumstances because if you have a small to medium sized bedroom that you have to accommodate two children in then I think the bunk bed would win. But if you are wanting to provide a themed bedroom or want to have a TV and PC in the bedroom as well and don’t want the headache of additional furniture or want to have some tastefully concealed storage areas or even a pullout guest bed then its got to be a cabin bed.

For me, a cabin bed offers a lot more in terms of practicality and enjoyment and there are so many different types and themes to choose from I’ll guarantee that you will always find something that will suit your requirements.

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