Silk Aquarium Plants to Decorate your Fish Tank
Silk aquarium plants are types of artificial plants that you can decorate in your tank. An aquarium without a plant is incomplete and does not replicate the natural habitat of the fish. It is a little bit tricky in choosing the perfect aquarium plants. There are different varieties of aquarium plants that you can choose such as the floating and rooted plants. No matter what type of plants you may choose it is important for you to know it requires appropriate preservation.

Real plants are very significant because it supplies oxygen and food for the fish. This type of plants varies from tubers, rooted and floating. On the other hand, some aquarium hobbyists prefer artificial plants especially when their fish still uproots and eat the plants. There are two types of artificial aquarium plants such as the plastic and the silk aquarium plants.

More hobbyists prefer silk plants because of its natural look in the way it moves in the water. The silk aquarium plant is an alternative material for an aquarium plant because it is made from finer materials than plastic. The appearance is deceiving in such a way that you may not even tell if the plant is real or not because of the leaf shapes that looks real. This is ideal to use because it is cheaper than live plants but can also be mixed with real plants. Just like the real plants, the silk aquarium plants can be easily attach in the gravel.

Aside from the silk aquarium plants, you can also use plastic plants that replicate most terrestrial and aquatic plants. They come in different sizes suitable to be placed as background, foreground and mid-ground of the tank. Most plastic plants are modular so that pieces can be pulled off from one stem to another. Both plastic and silk aquarium plants come with a plant mats that are designed to be placed in the substrate of the tank. The plant mats imitate the complete planting schemes in the aquarium.

Compared to real plants, silk aquarium plants are easy to clean. You can use abrasive pad or a cleaning solution formulated for aquatic use and rinse it very well. Silk aquarium plants also serve as hiding place of fish as well as additional attraction to your tank.

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