Popularity of Tropical Butterfly Betta Fish in Southeast Asia

For many years, the Siamese Betta fish has been exclusively kept by hobbyists in Siam (now Thailand). Presently, the Tropical Butterfly Betta Fish has grown in popularity all over the world, although not for the sole purpose of fish fighting but as an aquarium pet. Through the years of delicate cultivation, pet stores took consideration on the various varieties from their original ancestors. Rather of just single colors, they can now be bought in a wide range of shades such as red, blue, black, dun, and yellow.

Also, the fins of the Tropical Betta Fish have significantly increased and are much complicated; amongst the various kinds of varieties available are the Delta Tail, Crowntail, Half Moon, etc. The male Betta fish have long prominent fins and do all the aggression. On the other hand, females have shorter fins and are not as prominent in color as the males. Fascinatingly, Bettas are air thrivers; they have a special organ, the labyrinth, to transform water molecules into oxygen and they will surely die if they cannot reach the surface.

The natural habitat of tropical butterfly betta fish is warm rice paddies in the Southeast Asia. Found mostly in leaves and branches of outgrowths, these predatory fish hunt for small creatures such as insect larvae and shrimp.

Even though the Bettas you can find in pet stores today have been bred in captivity, their aquarium should mimic their natural environment. Thus, the fish tank that has aquatic plant and that has slow water currents will be appropriate. A shade, with a few openings to provide air passage, must also be provided to avoid them from jumping out the tank.

Bettas thrive in warmer temperatures so the fish tank should be maintained between 75-86 degrees Fahrenheit with a bit of acidity (6.5 pH ) Their nutritional diet should comprise chiefly of protein flakes and foods such as brine shrimps, worms etc. Bettas can expand to about 3 in. And could live up for three years if well-cared for. As far as the aquarium residents are concerned, Bettas can get along with most tropical fish. However, it is not advisable to keep them with aggressive species such as those tropical fish that are attracted to pick the fight with elaborate fins. Male bettas can be maintained in the same aquarium only if they are well-maintained, or else you can assume some injuries or even fatality.

Tropical Butterfly Betta fish procreate in a special and interesting way. The male will create numerous bubbles at the surface and create a floating love nest. Then, he would try to woo a female by showing his fins on display; the colors will be in their most vivid intensity and the impressive state also.

If the females are attracted and ready for a love romance, her coloration will also change and she will be covered with dark stripes. Her belly will also be prominently rounder and she would start releasing eggs.

This type of courtship can get difficult with much chasing and aggression that could lead to some minor injuries. When the couple is ready to mate, they will swim in the bubble nest and will entangle their bodies. The Betta male will squeeze the female to release the eggs that will be fertilized by the male.

Keeping tropical butterfly betta fish is easy if you have the passion, determination, and enthusiasm.

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