Round Kitchen Table or Square Kitchen Table?

The Advantages Of A Round Kitchen Table

Tables are a very important piece of furniture.  Regardless of how everything else is arranged, a table always offers more space.  This is especially the case with the round kitchen table.  Whether it is used in the kitchen or elsewhere, its shape gives you access to a table top without cluttering up the area.

Round vs. Square – Which One Wins?

Most people prefer using square tables in their kitchen or dining room.  However, they take up too much space in smaller homes.  Even worse, they can only accommodate so many people at a time.  If you host a large gathering, you will not have enough room to seat everyone.  You will be forced to use another table anyway, assuming there is enough room to begin with.

Square tables present additional problems.  They do not work well with small children, since it is harder to keep them disciplined.   In addition, you may have trouble keeping things organized when serving the food.  Again, with adults the process is easier, but kids may have difficulty containing themselves.  With a round kitchen table, you can designate a specific spot for the children.  This allows them direct access to their peers, which may help calm them down.

Round kitchen tables are also more versatile, especially when it comes to chair arrangement.  With no squared corners, you can place the chairs anywhere you wish.   Plus, regardless of where the chairs are placed, round kitchen tables offer a more personal connection.  You can talk face-to-face with everyone.  With squared tables, talking to people on the other end becomes more difficult.

With this ability, guests will feel more at home during your get-together.  True, these feelings are more subconscious, but they are still there.  Your guests will remember the warmth years after the gathering has ended.

For this reason, the round kitchen table works really well during Christmas or Thanksgiving. The turkey and other parts of the dinner fit within the center of the table, making it easier to distribute.

Speaking of which, you should understand that round kitchen tables actually have the capacity to hold more guests.  With squared tables, you cannot seat someone at each corner.  You can have two or three along the sides, and one on each end.  Round tables do not have these restrictions, as you can place chairs along the circumference of the table.

Another advantage is that round kitchen tables do not require a special chair set.  In fact, many of them are sold by themselves, as you are expected to provide your own chairs. 
They can be from your existing dining room set or folding chairs.  Either way, they will be a good match as most round kitchen tables have a neutral design.  If not, you are free to use a tablecloth.

Kitchen carts can be an additional option if you have trouble finding a decent round kitchen table.  Although their primary goal is to create storage space, they can also be converted into a table.  This makes them a great choice for those in studio apartments, an environment where space is limited.  When they are not being used as a table, they serve as a utility cart that can hold food, utensils and other kitchen items.  As a cart, it can also be moved into another room.  Then, when you are ready to convert it to a table, simply remove the leaver. You will unveil a full-sized kitchen table that can hold up to 4 people.

Images credit: wizard-of-kitchen

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