Lighting Up Your Saltwater Aquarium

Saltwater aquariums need sufficient lighting for the marine life to survive during cold weathers. When it comes to lighting up your saltwater aquarium, there are numerous lights that are available in the market these days and it will all depend on the type of system your tank is running. When you are choosing a lamp, make sure that you take note of its spectrum which refers to the distribution of the light. The general rule would go for about 0.14 watts.
  • Fluorescent lighting (Full-spectrum) – this is considered to be the best method for lighting up your saltwater aquarium. It has proven to provide the best light quantity and quality for the lowest operation, up front and even replacement cost. Fixtures can be bought or made at a very reasonable cost. Lamps like these have life spans that are functional for about 2 years. Spectral lumen and shift depreciation is easy to adjust. VHO or very high output lighting is a famous option for owners who are keeping tall or densely planted and even reef aquariums. Bulbs like these require a special kind of costly ballast for it to work properly.
  • Incandescent bulbs – these may provide much of the desired component of illuminating up your saltwater aquarium, if it is needed by plants that require light. Incandescent take the least expensive type although the bulbs are considered to be relatively inexpensive although, they are required to be replaced much often than other light bulbs. Bulbs like these produce strong amounts of heat which makes it more difficult to predict and even regulate. Expect your electric bill to soar high as well.
  • Power compact lighting – this is becoming quite popular with reef and live plant enthusiasts because the bulbs has the capacity to provide a slightly higher light output than that of an ordinary bulb. Power compact bulbs are readily available in two configurations namely the square or linear. That is why, the moment that you have purchased the fixture, make sure that you have the replacements as well. One major advantage of this method for lighting up your saltwater aquarium is that numerous varieties are available which can fit almost all incandescent fixtures. You have to remember not to exceed the suggested wattage so as not to start a spark.
  • Metal halide bulbs – these produce a much desirable effect based on the quality of light when lighting up your saltwater aquarium. The drawback is that, it can either be too expensive or it can generate a high level of ultraviolet radiation. You have to make sure that when you choose one, it is designed for saltwater aquariums and it uses a filter for the ultraviolet radiation.

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